Preventive Dentistry

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends dental visits at least twice per year. Regular exams and professional cleanings can help to ensure optimal oral health. At Smile Park Dental, our team consistently provides high-quality dental cleanings and thorough preventive exams.

During your examination, we will also:

* Evaluate your overall oral health

* Discuss oral hygiene practices and habits

* Check your bite and jaw for any issues

* Evaluate your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer

* Evaluate existing tooth restorations

* Take dental x-rays if necessary

Regular professional dental cleanings and exams are essential for maintaining a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile. Contact us to request an appointment for a dental exam and cleaning.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is about making your dreams come true. If you ever hide your smile because you’re unhappy with your teeth, if time to consider our cosmetic smile solutions. There are many benefits to receiving cosmetic dental solutions. Some of these include:

* Improved self-esteem

* Improved oral health

* Improved appearance

* Improved function

At Smile Park Dental, our goal is to give you the smile of your dreams

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry restores the strength and beauty of your smile. Whenever possible, we will preserve your natural teeth. When needed, we can also provide tooth replacement options that are both functional and beautiful. Your restorative dentistry treatment plan may include one or more of the following solutions:

* Dentures

* Composite Fillings

* Inlays / Onlays

* Crowns

* Bridges

* Implant Restoration

Restorative dentistry may be right for you if you have experienced any of these dental issues:

* Tooth decay

* Cracked or broken teeth

* Tooth pain

* Missing teeth

* Severely worn teeth

Smile Park Dental has the training and experience to restore the health, function, and beauty of your smile safely and gently.

Emergency Dentistry

If you are in need of emergency dental care, please don’t hesitate to call our office. Dental trauma is an injury to your teeth, gums, mouth, or face that can be potentially serious. Ignoring a dental emergency can increase the risk of permanent damage. For all dental emergencies, it is important to contact our office as soon as the injury occurs. We can help. Here are basic guidelines for some common dental emergencies:

* Knocked-out tooth: rinse the tooth gently and put it back into the socket if safe to do so. Otherwise, immerse the tooth in a cup of milk or warm water with a pinch of salt. Contact our office immediately

* Chipped or cracked tooth: Save any pieces possible. Rinse your mouth gently with warm water. Apply cold compresses for swelling and pain, as needed. Contact our office as soon as possible.

* Lost crown: If a dental crown becomes loose or falls off the tooth, contact us immediately for a replacement. Leaving the tooth uncrowned can lead to further tooth damage.

* Soft tissue injuries: For injuries causing bleeding in the mouth or gums, rinse your mouth carefully. Hold damp gauze or a dampened tea bag on the site for 15 minutes. If the bleeding still continues, contact us.

Gum Therapy

Periodontics involves the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an inflammation and infection of the gum tissues. It includes the stages commonly known as gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. When plaque anda tartar are left untreated on teeth and gums, gum disease may develop. You can reduce your risk of gum disease by brushing twice and flossing once every day. You should also have a dental exam and professional cleaning at least twice each year. Gingivitis includes a variety of mild to moderate symptoms, such as:

* Red, swollen gums

* Sensitive teeth

* Gums bleeding from normal brushing or eating

* Chronic halitosis (bad breath)

* Difficulty or pain chewing

Periodontitis is a more advanced form of gum disease. In this case, gums begin to pull away from teeth, creating small “pockets” along the gum line. Tooth loss, bone loss, and damage to gums and soft tissues can occur with periodontitis.


The most common treatment for gum disease is known as deep cleaning or scaling and root planing. Our hygienist can perform this gentle and effective removal of tartar, calculus, and infected tissue. Common risk factors for gum disease include poor oral hygiene habits, diabetes, smoking, and hormonal changes. Some medications can also increase your likelihood of developing gum disease. Many recent studies have found that untreated gum disease negatively impacts other aspects of your overall health. This is especially common for patients with cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Night Guards

Unconscious grinding of the teeth during sleep is a condition known as bruxism. If you are grinding your teeth in your sleep most nights, you should contact our office for a night guard. A night guard is a removable dental appliance that is similar to an athletic mouth guard. It provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth to protect them while you sleep.